Flick Yeah!

Episode 151 - Super Brains!



For this episode we decided to explore the "we only use 10% of our brains" myth by watching some cranium-expanding films. Turns out these filmmakers were only using 10% of their energy making these movies. Still some interesting stuff though, and we kicked things off with a new Netflix release that was sweet enough to almost make up for our disappointing theme movies. IN THEATERS AKA YOUR LIVING ROOM The Half of It - A charming new take on Cyrano de Bergerac; definitely worth checking out on Netflix! THEME MOVIES Charly - Maybe we need to actually read Flowers for Algernon. Senseless - SO stupid and offensive, but Anne didn't hate it for some reason.  Limitless - The best of the 4 by far but not as good as it could be. Thanks, straight white men. Lucy - Inexplicably, inexcusably bad. Why are ScarJo and Morgan Freeman in this?? ​E-mail us at flickyeahpodcast@gmail.com, follow us on Twitter and Instagram @flickyeahcast, like us on facebook at facebook.com/flickyeahpodcast, and subscribe/write a review on i