Ordinary People. Ordinary Things. With Melissa Radke

Anonymous Addict



Over a year ago, a woman came up to me at an event and hugged my neck and shared that she'd been sober for x amount of time.  She was glowing. Her face was beaming. I assumed, that's what happens when someone beats addiction, but that wasn't it. It was just her. She was beautiful. The reason I'm talking about this is because, sometimes, we associate alcoholism with Otis Campbell from The Andy Griffith Show. Then we moved onto the Norm from Cheers stereotype, with a sloppy disheveled character. Then along came Homer Simpson. Do you see a pattern here?  We never associated alcoholism with well put together women. There are wonderful teachers who go home and drink until they pass out. There are also stay at home moms who are so sick or bored that they drink all day. I didn't know that there were pastor's wives, ER nurses, and yoga instructors that were alcoholics. But now I know, because I've met you. Every example I'm thinking of has been gorgeous, well-dressed, and smart as a whip. Not one of them looked like