The Carolina Shout - Ragtime And Jazz Piano With Ethan Uslan

Ep. 8: The 3 B's - Beethoven, Brinkley, and 'Bama



In the name of science, Ethan performs an experiment on the Moonlight Sonata. Then he introduces a new segment called "Book Report" where he talks about a nefarious con man who ran for office. Then he tries to calm you back down with "Stars Fell on Alabama" before he premieres two original compositions. Huzzah! Songs Included: That's a Plenty (Pollack/Gilbert, 1914)  Moonlight Sonata - (Beethoven, 1801, arr. Uslan)  He's the Man - (Maudie Butler Shreffler, 1932)  Stars Fell on Alabama - (Perkins/Parish, 1934) Eggs in the Coffee - (Ethan Uslan, 2016)  Copacetic - (Ethan Uslan, 2016)