Beth & Meg &...

Beth & Meg & the Movement



If you are looking for an in-depth and mature discussion regarding world events, you are going to be HIGHLY disappointed this week as we descend into madness whilst discussing whether Han Solo will be more like Han No-Go, what career advice we are qualified to give Tom Cruise, and the job that even Mrs Doubtfire might balk at. Most importantly, rise up and join us as we rebel against lifestyle blogs to create a movement that will change the world. Or won't. Depends on if we feel like showering today or not. #gotothestage #jestersdead #greathonk #gotoOregon #wearepartoftheproblem #thepooplifestyle #joiedesweatpants #allthesauces #chickfila #littledebbie #poundtryst #joinus #pearshapedscheme #empathizers #boinkit #thetruthisoutthere #outlander #hecanjacobitemeanytime