Beth & Meg &...

Beth & Meg & Things We Can't Unsee



We know, we know, we've been gone a long time, but we are back and stronger than ever! Yes, we say goodbye to summer and one of us gets to say hello to autumn. We discover why Canadians are just a happier people, why Taylor Swift is not, and why everyone at Wal-mart should be afraid... very afraid.  Also, why you should be concerned if an elderly Scotsman asks if you'd like to see his haggis, why we are sick of Kate Middleton, and how to start off your marriage with a RIDICULOUS amount of pressure. Lastly, we discuss how teeth capping makes the multi-million dollar man and dream of the day when the all female version of "Delta Force" becomes a reality. #flintandsteel #sweaterweather #itsadryheat #fatcorner #teammaple #lifegoal #kimandkanyearetherationalones #igottarapaboutit #popgoesmyheart #amazonprimethatmess  #everydayimshuffling #ROI #equallyyoked #worksmartnothard #vivelefrance #GBBO #findyourownthingMako #tomcruisesteeth #literally #mermanpop