Cyborgs: A Bionic Podcast

The Solid Gold Kidnapping



It's the last pilot movie or the second ABC Suspense Movie or the third abomination (if you watch it in its two part syndicated form).  It's "The Solid Gold Kidnapping" and it features an all-star cast as Steve teams up with a scientist who utilizes a revolutionary technique of retrieving memories from brain cells to try to track down a kidnapped American diplomat. Joining John and Paul is Alex Green Rating:   Bionic Wiki entry The6milliondollarblog entry Alex Green was born in San Diego where he has lived his whole life, rarely venturing outside the safe confines of Southern California. Growing up, his parents tried to persuade him that the funny man running in slow motion on the television wasn't worth watching, but he knew better.  He knew much, much better. A lifelong fan of The Six Million Dollar Man and The Bionic Woman, Alex hadn't been an adult for very long (some would say he still isn't) when he started making several trips a month up to Los Angeles to attend toy and collectibles shows in order to