Cyborgs: A Bionic Podcast

Little Orphan Airplane



(RIGHT CLICK THE IMAGE TO SAVE THE EPISODE TO YOUR COMPUTER) A plane is shot down over a small African country while taking pictures fo United Nations treaty violations in the area.  Steve is sent in to retrieve the film and discovers that the pilot (Greg Morris - Mission: Impossible) is alive, but injured.  He must repair the damaged plane and make it capable of carrying himself, the pilot, and two missionary nuns who cared for the pilot, out of the dangerous area.  The boys are joined once again by author Dayton Ward in discussing this episode. Please take a moment to comment on this episode here, or by writing, or by calling 888-866-9010. Rating: BionicWiki entry on the episode. Entry from Dayton Ward is the author of numerous media tie-in fiction works in such realms as Star Trek and The 4400.  He is also the author of such original works as Counterstrike, The Last World War, Book 2and The Genesis Protocol. When he's not writing or working for a