Cyborgs: A Bionic Podcast

The Pal-Mir Escort



(RIGHT CLICK IMAGE TO SAVE EPISODE TO YOUR COMPUTER) Steve must escort the prime minister of a small Middle Eastern country cross-country to the OSI research facility in Tennessee.  There, she will undergo bionic heart transplant surgery.  But there are forces conspiring to see her dead so that she cannot go through with her plans for peace with the rebel faction of her country. Joining John and Paul is webmaster, Alex Green. Comment on the episode here or write or call 888-866-9010 or better still use the "Send Voicemail" tab on the left of the page to leave a message via your computer.  Take a moment to rate the episode by using our star system at the bottom of this entry. Rating: Bionic Wiki entry The6milliondollarblog entry Alex Green was born in San Diego where he has lived his whole life, rarely venturing outside the safe confines of Southern California. Growing up, his parents tried to persuade him that the funny man running in slow motion on the te