Cyborgs: A Bionic Podcast

Steve Austin, Fugitive



(RIGH CLICK THE IMAGE TO SAVE THIS EPISODE TO YOUR COMPUTER) Steve Austin is accused of the murder of an OSI lab technician.  In addition, some of his bionic technical specs have gone missing.  Has Steve gone rogue or is this an elaborate plan of an evil genius?  It's really neither as we'll find out in this week's discussion.  This episode is the final episode of the second season of The Six Million Dollar Man.  It is also the premiere episode for Jennifer Darling as Oscar's secretary, Callahan.  Paul and John are joined by author, musician, and podcaster, Keith R.A. DeCandido to discuss this episode, a sequel to "Eyewitness to Murder". Comment on the episode here or write or call 888-866-9010 or better still use the "Send Voicemail" tab on the left of the page to leave a message via your computer.  Take a moment to rate the episode by using our star system at the bottom of this entry. Rating: Bionic Wiki entry The Six Million Dollar Blog entry (coming soon) Keith R.A. DeCandido