Ace Weekly

ADAPT OR DIE: The Most Critical Ability for Leaders in The 21st Century - ACEWEEKLY15



What is the most critical ability to enable leaders and influencers over the next 20-30 years? Our world is changing faster than any other time in human history. Every successful leader in the 21st century has to know how to adapt. The ability to adapt is a critical attribute. Those who fail to adapt always see the consequences of doing things the way they’ve always been done. Over-planning may actually be what’s holding you back. Rather than blaming others, successful leaders know how to learn on the fly and stay ahead of the market. This week, Andrew talks about the critical nature of learning how to adapt and its consequences in our lives.  Subscribe to the show: Follow us on Social: @andrewevansofficial   00:18- Introduction to today’s show 04:15- Contest announcement 05:20- The common mistake of certainty 07:30- Why you don’t need to figure everything out 08:30- The value of figuring things out on the fly 10:00- How your 5-year plan is ruining opportunities for you