Mind Matters

A Bright Minds Balancing Act: Finding Success in School | Gifted | Education | 2e | Psychology



Self-regulation is often discussed in the context of emotions. Emily Kircher-Morris talks with Dr. Richard Cash, author of Self-Regulation in the Classroom, about educational self-regulation. When should we expect students to show signs of maturity that indicate they are ready to learn self-regulation? How can we teach them? Catch the discussion, along with Q&A from listeners, and much more, on episode 16 of Mind Matters. About the guest - Dr. Richard M. Cash received a bachelor of arts degree in theater from the University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire. He then attended the University of Minnesota-Minneapolis, where he received a post-baccalaureate degree in Elementary Education. Dr. Cash later obtained a Masters in Curriculum and Instruction from the University of St. Thomas in St. Paul, Minnesota. He returned to St. Thomas and received a doctoral degree in Educational Leadership. Dr. Cash has served as the Administrator of Gifted Programs in Rochester, Minnesota, and the Director of Gifted Programs for the B