Mind Matters

Gifted Girls: Social Connections and Self-Care at School | Education | Gifted | 2e



For even the most academically successful student, the social aspect of school can be incredibly stressful. When you add the complexity of being gifted or twice-exceptional, school can be overwhelming. On episode 29 we talk with Dr. Kathryn Fishman-Weaver about the social impact of the educational experience for gifted girls. About the guest - Dr. Kathryn Fishman-Weaver is an educator, author, and advocate for student leadership. She serves as the Director of Academic Affairs and Engagement for Mizzou K-12, a global school district with 7,000+ students from over 100 countries. She’s the principal of the University of Missouri High School and Middle School. She is the author of two books on the importance of heart and high-expectations: Wholehearted Teaching of Gifted Young Women: Cultivating Courage, Connection, and Self-Care in Schools (2018, Prufrock Academic Press) and When Your Child Learns Differently: A Family Approach for Navigating Special Education Services with Love and High Expectations (Forthcomin