Mind Matters

School Counseling: Gifted Kids Need It Too



School counselors wear a variety of hats, but “giftedness expert” often isn't one of them. On episode 43, Jean Peterson and Susannah Wood, authors of Counseling Gifted Students: A Guide for School Counselors, join us to talk about ways school counselors can better meet the needs of their gifted students. About the guests - Jean Sunde Peterson, Ph.D., Professor Emerita and former director of school counselor preparation at Purdue University, was a classroom and gifted-education teacher for many years and was involved in teacher education prior to graduate work in counseling at The University of Iowa. She is author of Gifted at Risk: Poetic Profiles, and The Essential Guide to Talking with Gifted Teens, and is co-editor of Models of Counseling Gifted Children, Adolescents, and Young Adults, among over 100 journal articles, books, and invited chapters. She is a former chair of the Counseling and Guidance Network and also served two terms on the NAGC Board of Directors. Susannah Wood, Ph.D., is currently an Assoc