Insights With Trent Munday

Tourism‘s Cancel Culture Will End - That‘s Your Chance #1387



'Cancel Culture' is a term most people associate with social media. But to me, it could also apply to much of the Tourism Industry today. In an effort to try to encourage people to travel again, many airlines, hotels and related tourism businesses are extending very very flexible cancellation policies. And that's great for us travellers. won't be sustainable for many of these businesses. It will end. And when it does...that's your keep those same terms and conditions. As customers, we've gotten used to it. We love it. So when most businesses go back to their old policies of stricter cancellation terms, we will seek out those that don't. So, start looking at ways you can adapt your systems and processes now to maintain that flexibility. Maybe it means hiring more casual or part-time staff so you can handle peaks and troughs caused by last minute cancellation. Or maybe implement a Waitlist Policy and really drive it. Offer people a 20% discount if they go on your Waitlist. Look at