Trainer Tools

What does it mean to be a great training facilitator



Most of us working in learning and development get involved in training delivery. This usually involves a bit of teaching and a lot of facilitation. We work this out over many years. Maybe we start by giving PowerPoint lectures, and only over time, as we learn more about our craft and gain in confidence, are we able to take a step back and focus on the process and a lot less on the content of training sessions. This is facilitation: the management of the process that allows learning and understanding to emerge from discussion, activity and feedback. I've been doing this for years, and I think I'm pretty good at it - but like many other trainers (or facilitators), I have no theoretical foundation to understand what I'm doing or how I could do it even better. In this discussion with Nick Eve, he explains the theory that underpins great facilitation, and shows how this leads to effective facilitation behaviours. Nick Eve specialises in developing people's facilitation skills. His work is all about develop