Youngpreneur's Podcast With Victor Ahipene

My New Show Public Speaking Secrets OUT NOW



What’s up and welcome to the first episode of Public Speaking Secrets! This isn’t my first rodeo I was the host of ‘The Youngpreneurs’ Podcast which went to #1 on Itunes in 6 different countries. After 185 episodes of that show, I pulled the pin because I became inspired to create this show which literally came to me during a meditation. This is the result! A Podcast helping break down the barriers stopping you from becoming a confident powerful public speaker. Learn how to eliminate your fear, land more speaking gigs, close more deals, get in front of more people and share your message with a bigger audience. Join us each week as we go deep with the worlds leading speakers, trainers, coaches, YouTubers, influencers, TED speakers and more. Learn the inside secrets on what has allowed them to confidently share their message with the world. Fast Track Your Success and Learn from the best. Inspired by Brendon Burchard, Tony Robbins and Tim Ferriss. Join The Free Speaker Nation Community On Facebook” Having bee