Warcry Media

Language Shapes Reality | FBW, E2



Language shapes our reality. God spoke and it was. He then made Adam and Even to cultivate and keep the world and shape it to reflect God's glory. If we want to fight our current battles successfully then we need to reclaim language. If we have any hope of building for future generations, then we need to reclaim language. The world knows this and seek to shape it to their own image (Psalm 2:2-3). God's word needs to be brought to bear. The world needs to be shaped after the pattern and likeness God has shown us in His word.  Thanks for listening! Want to support the network? Like, follow, comment, and share our media on Facebook, Instagram, Gab, and YouTube.  You can reach us at contact@warcrymedia.com   Related material https://www.vice.com/en/article/akdaa4/republicans-want-a-new-weapon-in-the-war-on-abortion-murder-charges