Marriage University With Tina Haisman

How Letting Go of Control Will Set You Free



If you have ever told your husband … What to wear What he should eat How he should drive What he should or should not buy How to take care of the kids That he should lose weight Or how to do or handle anything for that matter … this podcast is for you. What most women don’t realize is that when we tell our husband how he should do something it sends a message to him that we don’t think he is capable of handing the situation himself. This deeply hurts his heart. It’s not at all what we mean. We are only trying to make things easier for everyone. But it’s important that we know the message our husband is hearing if we want more connection and love in our relationship. So, in this episode, I’m going to share a few of my classic control freak stories so you can see how it plays out in real life. And I hope to convince you that letting go of control will actually make life better, not worse. This shift is absolutely critical to having a great relationship! If you would like more inspiration, download