Marriage University With Tina Haisman

Living Into Your God-Given Beauty with Tricia Clarke



In this episode of A Life Designed, I am so grateful to be joined by my friend Tricia Clarke who is a makeup artist, wife, and mom who works to make the world a more joy-filled place. She does this by encouraging women to take care of themselves holistically and live loved. I know you hear about taking care of yourself in mind, body, heart and soul from me all of the time, so this week, I would love for you to hear it from Tricia. She speaks from the heart and gets very passionate about moms taking care of themselves from the inside out. For the video version of this podcast, click HERE. You can find Tricia on Instagram and she has has her own podcast called Tea Time with Trish. If you need more inspiration for self-care, you can download my Ultimate Guide to Guilt-Free Self-Care HERE! It’s a Guide to help you take care of yourself in mind, body and spirit so you can feel like your best self every day.  And join us in the Life Designed Community on Facebook!