Heal Endometriosis Naturally With Wendy K Laidlaw

When They Want To Throw Another Organ In The Trash



I am feeling upset… I scrolled through Facebook this afternoon, only briefly, and saw this disturbing post. It was from a woman with Endometrisois who is contemplating ‘allowing’ her bladder to be removed. Yes! Her bladder! Removed! Oh my goodness. Whatever next?! We can produce Dolly The Sheep and fly to the Moon, yet women with Endometriosis are regularly having major organs removed. In brief; she previously had a cystectomy operation for medical treatment for her Endometriosis and cysts. But before long, not only did Endometriosis symptoms return, but soon there were side effects evident and further complications. One of them was bladder pressure. Painkillers, drugs and surgery do not treat the underlying causes of the Endometriosis condition, which is inflammation and hormonal imbalance. Painkillers, drugs and surgery only try to manage the symptoms. The bladder is a very sensitive organ which sits under the uterus. Bladder pressure (from my experience), can be caused by an inflamed uterus or general infl