Real World Gardener Podcasts

Aussie Coastal Rosemary is Plant of the Week



pt3  Scientific Name: Westringia fruiticosa Common Name: Coastal Rosemary Family: Lamiaceae (mint family) Leaves: green, with a covering of short hairs giving the plant a silvery tint . Leaves are up to 2 centimetres long, narrow and pointed and set closely in whorls around the stem. Westringia 'Grey Box' Flowers: Appear in my garden from September onwards with November seeing a main flush. Typical of flowers in the mint family either in white or pale mauve with a couple of reddish spots near the throat of the flowers. This is a bee guide for Aussie native bees.   Looks like rosemary but it isn't and Adrian regards it as the 'murraya' of the Aussie native plant world. Tough as 'old boots' seen hugging the cliffs and down to beach level, either prostrate or several feet high depending on situation. A useful garden plant that has been hybrised extensively. Westringia "Aussie Box' and 'Grey Box' is a great alternative to box hedging.   TIP:Adrian recommends use mechanical shears instead of electric or battery