Take Back Your Finances

TTC 010 8 Ways to Set Yourself Up For Automatic Financial Success



If you've ever heard about David Bach's book, The Automatic Millionaire: A Powerful One-Step Plan to Live and Finish Rich, then you know how simple, small, yet effective tricks you implement today in investing can transform your life years later!  We love his book and loved meeting him just a few months ago.  We were inspired by that and apply it to even more areas in your finances to encourage you set up those simple and effective tips for automatic financial success later! You will love these ideas as many of them will make your life more simple and even relieve some of your financial stress (aka, the rest of your life stress as well).  Seriously. We cover tips and ideas in the following areas: Automate Your Bills - We share a few cautions along the way Automate Savings With Your Taxes - We know this is controversial but address it head on Automate Your Retirement - Hide your money from yourself and get started today Automate Your Mortgage - This one simple tip can take 4-6 years off your repayment sc