Radhaa Nilia

Stepping out of Fear and Paralysis and into Sacred Leadership



Hello Beautiful Souls! Where we are going as a collective has seemed like a bad dream, but now it's time to AWAKEN into your Sacred Leadership.  ( not woke ;-) This is not a time to get paralyzed in fear, it is time to stand up for what you believe in. You were never born to be a parrot. You are a incredible being that has your own mind, body and Soul. It is time to start living from the Soul.   Spinning to heal the World: Theme: Stepping out of FEAR and into Leadership. This is a FREE group healing. We will be working on clearing war trauma, PTSD and victim energy. We will be clearing for both the people on the call and the collective. Yes, the whole world. This is part of being a leader is realizing that you have tools and the power to co-create the world you want to live in. Join us September 8th at 8pm EST. Zoom link will be sent out the day of. RSVP Here: https://bit.ly/3t4n9Vi  To be a part of any of our upcoming book projects: https://linktr.ee/RadhaaPublishingHouse ABOUT Radhaa Publishi