Charles Adler Tonight

The Full Show: Canadian opinions on federal party leaders, the popularity of books is on the rise during the pandemic and the latest on the Tokyo Olympics



What are Canadians saying about the party leaders? Thoughts on Canada's party leaders  Guest - David Moscrop -  Author: Too Dumb for Democracy; Columnist; and host of Open to Debate podcast Canadians talking about some of the books that they have been indulging in during this time What books have you been reading?  Guest - Mario Canseco -  President of Research Co.  Are bookstores now back in? One bookstore manager joins us to discuss what’s happening The popularity of books is on the rise  Guest - Chris Cox - Book manager at 32 Books in Vancouver Toronto Raptors Kyle Lowry heading to Miami; and team Canada’s performance at the Tokyo 2020 Breaking down the Olympic games.  Guest - Rob Williams - Sports editor Daily Hive Afghan Interpreters under the gun in Afghanistan… An update on the Afghan interpreters  Guest - Joe Warmington - Columnist Toronto Sun  Subscribe to the Charles Adler Tonight podcast to hear more: See