Air Adam Podcast

Episode 147 : Still On It



"Reminiscing 'bout my style, before it was yours..."  - Snoop Dogg First things first - RIP to Zumbi of Zion I, who passed away unexpectedly this month. He penned some incredible music in his too-brief lifetime, and he will be missed by all who knew him in the Hip-Hop family. This episode was tough to put together - it seemed like some of the most crucial parts of my DJ setup all decided to stop working at once. Still, with a crucial turntable loan courtesy of past guest Danny Drive Thru and pressing an old laptop into service, we're back on time once again. Enjoy the show, I think there are some A1 picks here! Also: I'll be DJing live on Saturday September 4th as part of the charity "Flyest & Friends" show in Manchester - get your tickets here. Twitter : @airadam13 Twitch : @airadam13