Lose The Pain

Clarity by Rob Berkley, Clear Goals, Vision of Who You Are, What Your Doing & Value to World



Clarity by Rob Berkley, Clear Goals, Vision of Who You Are, What Your Doing & Value to World: Jesse Cannone has a fascinating guest on his show, Rob Berkley, Executive & Life Coach, who is going through 7 areas where people get tripped up or stuck in the lives. One of the most important is clarity as one stuck has a lack of clear goals, lack a vision and have no clue what they're doing that is important for the world. They don't add value commensurate with the success they desire and if they want really big value they must add really big value to what they have to offer to the world. People who are stuck don't know who they are and they can't tell others who they are and what's important to them in order that they might connect with them on a personal level. About Robert C. Berkley: Rob is an executive coach and management consultant with over 10-years of experience coaching senior executives and leadership teams. His practice focuses on corporate leadership, executive teams, corporate boards and c