Our Lady Of Lourdes Podcast

First Sunday of Advent - Dec. 3, 2017 - Fr. Brian, Back from Rome



Father Brian explains the Christian view of the New Year in his analogy from The Lion King. :) We struggle with identity in this world, which is why we need to remember where we came from. "You have forgotten who you are, therefore you have forgotten me."--Mufasa! Bethlehem tells us who we are, because it is the birthplace of Christianity--the entire reason for our existence. You are loved, you come from somewhere, you are a member of the family of God, because of what happened in Bethlehem. The world starts the new year on January 1, whereas The Church's new year begins on the First Sunday of Advent, because we put our hope and faith in Christ, first, and not the material world. The world lives by the motto, "Eat Drink & Be Merry, because tomorrow we'll die." The difference between Christians and the rest of the world is, the world lives in frantic-mode, not knowing what to do because time will end, and The Church lives in hope, BECAUSE time will end. Don't rush Christmas--It isn't here, yet. Focus on Adven