St Peters Orthodox Church

What Do You Have?



July 22, 2018 - In the Gospel of St. Mark Chapter 8, the disciples are faced with an impossible situation. How can they provide enough food for thousands of people with seven loaves of bread and a few small fish? In this narrative, Jesus asks them one of the most profound questions that we need to consider. He looks at His disciples and asks them, "What do you have?" They offer only that which they had which was not enough for the need. He took their offering, blessed it, and did a wonder of Heaven on behalf of the multitude. God asks us the same question. He comes to us right where we are and asks us, "What do you have?" It is the invitation to participate in the wondrous works of God on behalf of all mankind. When we offer only that which we have, Jesus takes that offering and blesses it and lives through us to the glory of God and the salvation of mankind.