St Peters Orthodox Church

God in the Midst of our Suffering Part 2: The Wilderness



As we discussed a week ago, our journey in Christ from Baptism to the day we pass through the veil is a wilderness journey. We have left the captivity of our enemy but are not yet in the fullness of the Promised Land. In this wilderness there will be suffering. Today, we look at the wilderness journey of the Hebrews to discover a pattern common to us all. In the wilderness there will be suffering, God's people lament to God of their suffering, God hears them and is fully acquainted with their struggles, God acts on their behalf and delivers them, and God reveals Himself to His people by doing so. God uses the sufferings of this life in a fallen world to reveal Himself to His people so that they may be always moved toward union with Him; an intimacy that He has desired ever since the creation of all things.