Girl Gone Ceo

Ep 1: How to Brand on a Budget



You’ve probably heard the term “brand strategy“. Maybe you know exactly what branding means or maybe you feel like it’s just an elusive buzzword marketing professionals use. But deep down, you know that companies who know how to build a brand (and sustain it) do well in the long run. Before we go any further, let’s define branding so we know exactly what it is. Branding is a fairly simple concept: it’s how you are positioned in your customers’ mind. It encompasses every aspect of your business from your logo, website, social media, even your physical store locations and the person answering your phones. Branding your business can be a large investment that some businesses just can’t quite afford at the moment! But that doesn’t mean you should forgo your branding process. So for all you DIY’ers and hustlers out there, here is my no-nonsense guide to business branding on a budget.