2 Minute Terminator




YOUTUBE VIDEO VERSION - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bqc2anforNI&t=3s Hollywood legend, Peter H. Kent is one of the movies greatest stuntmen. In a working partnership lasting 15 years Peter has risked life and limb, and helped Arnold Schwarzenegger become the greatest action star of all time. With a Run of Movies, Like Terminator, Commando, Raw Deal, Predator, Running Man, Red Heat, Twins, Total Recall and T2: Judgement Day and beyond!!! Now owner of operator of THE PETER KENT SCHOOL OF HARD KNOCKS, Peter now teaches the craft of Stunts to a new generation of films unsung heroes! Peter comes on to talk about his life (and sometimes brushes with death) working on some of the most loved and talked about movies of all time... Wanna be a Stunt Person? Peter can Teach You!: https://www.facebook.com/PeterKentsSchoolofHardKnocks/?__xt__=31.[597944187%2C%22intro_card%22%2C%7B%7D]&pnref=lhc Peter's Website: http://www.peterhkent.com/1school.shtml Peter's IMDB: http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0366905/ ---------