
#81: Achievement or Enjoyment?



I arise in the morning torn between a desire to improve the world and a desire to enjoy the world. This makes it hard to plan the day. E. B. White Same. To achieve or to enjoy? To work or to play? To create or to savor? And right, I hear you "but my work is play!" people. Sometimes work is work. And sometimes we just have to go out dancing, or play in the park. How do we decide which to do? Do we have to pick sides? Well... I like to think of the achievement v. enjoyment paradox more like a polarity. It's not a problem we solve, but rather a relationship we manage over time. We can set up our lives to better listen to ourselves so we know when to be in achiever mode, and when to be in enjoyment mode. And that's what we discuss on the podcast this week. Listen now. [As I mentioned in the podcast, I made a list of all of my 2018 New Year's resolutions. (here: And then my coach had me group them into "buckets" -- creation & expression, intellect & learning,