Letters From Dallas Type

A Cap :: Arturo Torres



The Dallas Type interviews Arturo Torres: an incredibly talented and thoughtful young illustrator and community lover. For the 14th type set, I’m happy to share the interview with this talented young man, who despite still being in his early 20’s, not only has a a book with his name on it gracing the New York Times and Washington Post Best Seller lists — but who can also openly share about the struggles he faced growing up, and the surprisingly mature and heartfelt perspective he has on how that empowers his art, and his interactions with the people around him. From his illustrations and writing for The Track List series features for Central Track to his pretty dope illustrations for the best selling book, The Rap Yearbook, Arturo and his work reveal a confidence, charm and vulnerability you don’t expect. As does our chat, where he shares how he got started, the unexpected path to success, his inspirations and his outlook on working hard and making people happy. It’s a conversation that’s full of heart, and