
Ep. 21: Electioneering Blues, Labour's Defeat and Platypus in Manchester



Pamela and Sophia discuss the recent Warren-Sanders pseudo-controversy, Momentum's response to Labour's (UK) defeat, and the call for a Sanders' presidency by today's left. Members Mike Atkinson and David Mountain talk about building Platypus at the University of Manchester, their impressions of the city's left and their upcoming teach-in, "What the Bloody Hell is 'The Dialectic'?" Finally, we have a quick check-in with Erin Hagood, the editor-in-chief of the Platypus Review, who tells us about the articles in the latest issue, #122, and the upcoming line-up for the February issue. To learn more about Platypus in Manchester, drop by a reading group meeting on Wednesdays, from 6-8pm, at Samuel Alexander A213, University of Manchester M13 9PP, or coffee breaks at Biko's Cafe in the Student Union, on Thursdays from 3pm to 4pm. To attend the upcoming teach-in, on Thursday (01/30) at 5pm, see: https://www.facebook.com/events/484620452239409/ Send article submissions and inquiries about the Platypus Review to edi