Phil-lacrosse-ophy Podcast

Phi-Lacrosse-ophy Podcast Ep. 63 - All-Pro Player Mike Cummings



Michael Cummings - All American, All Ivy, 2x National Championship Games, All-Pro & Wall Street Bond Broker  01:19 Run in the Late 80's at Cornell-Recruiting class -The personnel of the older players -Close eyes shooting method -A dream year in 87' -The 88' year against Syracuse  -Game vs North Carolina in 88' -Timmy Goldstien  -Paul Schmoller -Playing for Richy Moran  14:42 Becoming a Bond Broker In New York  -Relationships from Cornell -Following the crowd  -Working as a Bond Broker  16:58 Playing Indoor With the New York Saints  -Meeting Tom Towers -The who's who of Long Island  -Changing as a player playing box -Hitting goalies in the head  -National Championship National Anthem Story  20:51 The Evolution Into How Mike Got to Where He's at Today -Making all pro team as a rookie -Coming close to the USA team -Maryland and John Tillman  -Penn State  -Duke  -Hoftsra  -Working through self esteem problems  -Becoming accepted by people at any cost  -Loosing control  -Living the split life -Self esteem as a