Catholic Homilies By Fr Linus Clovis

Advent 1, Part 2: The centurion



After Our Lord, having delivered the beatitudes on the mount, He came down and immediately a leper came to Him and He cured the leper. Now we hear how Our Lord makes His way to Capernaum and the centurion makes his way to Him. Mystically we understand that in the leper we see the healing of the people of Israel and in the coming of the centurion the healing of the gentiles. In the case of the centurion, he comes on behalf of his servant whom he describes, ‘my servant is lying at home paralysed and in great pain’ which indeed is the condition of the gentiles. By nature we are paralyzed and incapable of doing good, for we know neither law nor the prophets. So Our Lord comes to us in the person the centurion. The centurion is a man of exceptional quality motivated by charity… This advent can we be animated by this same charity? Are we willing to open our hearts further to Our Lord and Blessed Mother?