Catholic Homilies By Fr Linus Clovis

God has set the stage, the actors are present and so the drama begins (2nd Sun of Advent Lk 3:1-6)



Our Religion, the Christian religion is rooted in human history. It is not like so many other non Christian religions that have stories of a distant past. Although even in their stories they have elements of truth, for universally every religion there was a perfect, a golden age and something went wrong. Christianity is rooted in human history so that we do not depend only on the scriptures for historical fact, but we can compare it with secular history and see indeed that the two mesh together. And so in today’s reading in the third chapter of St. Luke’s Gospel, we hear of specific times and unique individuals being named. So we see Tiberius Caesar has been in the throne for fifteen years, this is a historical fact, there was Julius Caesar, Augustus Caesar and then Tiberius. Pontius Pilate was governor of Judea. He will be there for ten years and he was appointed in the third year of Caesar’s reign. Herod who was the son of Herod the great who attempted to put Christ to death as an infant was the T