Catholic Homilies By Fr Linus Clovis

Our Lady, The New Queen Esther



Today the sixth of December, the second Sunday of Advent. Of course we are preparing for several feasts of Our Lady, the feast of the Immaculate Conception on the 8th and then we have Our Lady of Guadalupe which will be on Saturday, and then there is the feast of the expectation of Our Lady and we’re moving slowly toward the feast of Christmas the birth of Our Saviour. So it is quite fitting that we should focus on the Mother of Our Saviour. There are many images found in the old testament of Our Lady. They are called types, St. Paul in fact referrers to them as types in the letter to the Galatians. That is, events in the Old Testament which happened in the ordinary run of things in history. But they were very symbolic, highly symbolic of a spiritual truth which is being unveiled. And several books of the bible you could say almost exclusively concerned in bringing out this imagery ‘the type’. Among them is the book of Esther. The Story of Ester is relatively simple. King Ahasuerus had Queen Vasht