Catholic Homilies By Fr Linus Clovis

What was lacking? How did our first parents fall into sin?



On this the forth Sunday of Advent, the Church gives us the visitation of our Blessed Lady to Elisabeth for our meditation. As with all the scriptures, there are many threads and it’s always difficult to choose one particular or even two threads that would do justice to the nativity of our Lord. But joining the passage we’ve just heard to that, the letter to the Hebrews, we see in the Church gives us the restoration of the human race, how so? What brought about the fall of the human race? God after all had created us, and created us perfect, in as much as, all that was necessary for our existence had been given to us. In particular there was the harmony between the body and the soul and so the senses were under control. There was a clarity of intellect, so it was not possible for the man to be deceived. There was also the strengthened will, an inclination towards doing good. There was original justice, God’s grace in us. There were many other similar gifts. What was lacking? How did our first paren