Catholic Homilies By Fr Linus Clovis

What must I do?



St. John the Baptist appeared at the river Jordon, unexpectedly, dressed in camel skin with a very meagre diet; locust, wild honey and water. He came preaching a gospel of repentance. He spoke about the axe which was already laid to the root of the tree. He called the Pharisees who came to the Jordon a set of vipers. To the people, his language is a little more gentle but non the less, he warned them unless they repented they would perish. He worked no signs, he just preached. When asked who he was, he said, ‘I am the voice of one crying the wilderness.’ He says he is not the Light, but only a witness to the Light. He called himself a voice, not the Word, not even the sound but the voice. Like every voice, it is heard briefly and then fades away. But what the voice carries is the word and the voice carries the word from one heart to another. In many of the hearts that heard the Baptist, the word settled and there was a change. The change is expressed in what the peoples ask John, ‘What must we do?