Catholic Homilies By Fr Linus Clovis

We are disciples by His grace; we are servants by His favour



Our Lord, as we just said, washed His disciple’s feet which had scandalised Peter. ‘Surely you’re not going to wash my feet?’ To which the Lord said ‘You do not know what I’m doing now, later you’ll understand.’ Peter said ‘You will never wash my feet.’ Our Lord said ‘If I do not wash your feet, you will have no part of me.’ The threat of being separated from Christ was so great that Peter said ‘Not only my feet, but my head and my hands as well.’ To which the Lord responded, ‘He who has washed, doesn’t need to be washed again except for his feet’, because our feet keep us in contact with this world. Our eyes, St. Paul tells us, should be in heaven where Christ is. So our hearts long to be where He is. As Peter was fearful of being separated from Him, so also we should be not fearful of being separated, as anxious to be joined to Him. But already we are joined to Him, we are disciples by His grace, we are His servants by His favour… For Fr. Linus’ complete homily please listen to the Audio.