Catholic Homilies By Fr Linus Clovis

Proclaim the good news to all creation



Our Lord gave the Apostles the same mission that He received from His Father. ‘As the Father has sent Me, so do I send you.’ Here in St. Marks Gospel He tells the eleven, go out into the whole world. Before they were only to go to the lost sheep of the house of Isreal, but now He has won salvation for all, He sends them to proclaim the good news to all creation. That commission given to the eleven is given to the Church. Given to the Church, it is given to each and every member of the Church of which we are individual cells and therefore we have that same commission to proclaim the good news. One who hears and believes, receiving baptism is saved. So we are instruments in the salvation of others. For those who will not believe, the Lord gives a warning, condemnation. Charity demands that we desire and work for the salvation of all. Our Lord also tells us there are signs by which believers maybe seen, detected, and then indeed believe. One of the signs is found in St. Peters first letter but throu