Catholic Homilies By Fr Linus Clovis

If the world hates you, know that it hated Me before you…



Our Lord had called Himself the vine and we the branches. He had in many ways told us that we can only have life as long as we remain united with Him. If we fail to remain united with Him, we will loose our life and we will not only not bear fruit but would also perish. He came into the world out of love for the world. That is the world that He created. He uses the word world in several senses, inasmuch as He has created it, it is good. But when sin entered into the world, it took possession of all those who submit to it. And so the Lord calls the world, those who are opposed to Him, to His plan of redemption, to His plan of giving life, all those whose character is such that they love the darkness. Basically those who love sin. Therefore in this sense the world opposes Him, and consequently the world opposes us, and so the Lord not hiding anything from us tells us, ‘If the world hates you, know that it hated Me before you’ In this way, He shows He is the standard barer, we are to follow Him. Yet a