Catholic Homilies By Fr Linus Clovis

The important thing is that we seek Him



Having encountered resistance in Judea, in Jerusalem, Our Lord went off to the other side of the sea of Galilee, but the crowds still followed Him. The reason, because they were impressed with the signs He gave, in curing the sick. Whilst it’s not perfect, there’s certainly nothing wrong in that, whatever reason we seek the Lord, the important thing is that we seek Him. In finding Him our faith will increase but it is not only faith, our love likewise should grow even greater. And certainly the cures that He effects would generate a sense of gratitude, spirit of gratitude on which love is founded. The Lord climbs the hillside we’re told and sat down with His disciples; the crowd do not climb the hill. Looking up when He sees them, He said to Phillip, “Where can we buy some bread for these people to eat”? In St. Matthew’s Gospel, in fact the other three Gospels, record this incident, this miracle and we’re told that they were the ones who approached the Lord and said send the people away, so they can buy fo