Catholic Homilies By Fr Linus Clovis

To escape from suffering, by choosing death, is in fact to reject God’s redemption



Good Friday, has a very special meaning for not only Christians but every single human being. On this day, we remember the suffering of one Man in human history. This is a great mystery when we think about it, that we should commemorate the suffering, the unjust suffering, the most cruel suffering, suffering that consisted not only of physical abuse, but also of emotional trauma, of injustice, of unmitigating violence, of much indignity, insults. In short, suffering that all of us at some point has experience, not to the same depth or magnitude, but suffering which we can identify. Every single human being suffers. Suffering is not limited to any particular race, class or gender or age. Everybody suffers and so we can identify with the suffering of this Man, who is God. This is where the mystery is. That God chose to identify in the one thing we all experience, suffering, deprivation, anguish, isolation, solitude, pain, desertion, treachery and the list goes on and on. Why did He choose to suffer? B