Catholic Homilies By Fr Linus Clovis

The world rejoices to see the Church lacerated, beaten…



The passion of our Blessed Lord is at many levels, certainly there is physical in the physical treatment or ill treatment or the abuse that He received. But there is also the spiritual passion, because our Lord suffered for us, for love of us, to free us from our sins and save us from death. There is also the emotion passion of our Lord that those whom He loved abandon Him. There is of course the physiological as well, because our Lord is not only God, He is also man. So all of the sufferings we go through, our Lord went through as well and to an even greater degree. He didn’t just suffer as one man, but He suffered for the whole human race, for every single human being, so all of our sufferings are really contained in His. This is true for the Church universal; we are members of the Church. So the Church also has Her own passion. Certainly in our time, we know what the passion of the Church is. We see how She is lacerated, how those who are the successors to the Apostles seem to be running away. Th