Catholic Homilies By Fr Linus Clovis

They were scandalised by the mystery of His passion and the throne of Glory



St. Mark relates how the Disciples were on the road. They were on a journey to Jerusalem. Our Lord walking ahead, the Sheppard leads the sheep. We’re told there were in a daze and those who followed were apprehensive. Why were they in a daze? Because they could not believe the things Our Lord had said along the road. He was speaking bleakly about His passion and He slowly goes to make these words, the mystery of His passion known to them more plainly. But we also get the impression that it was not just the twelve disciples, but then St. Mark brings out the twelve specifically. They were apprehensive because they knew of this conflict that existed between our Lord and the authorities and they perhaps wondering how could they, so few could be able to overcome the many. So with the disturbance of the soul, our Lord, again calls the twelve to Him, once more taking the twelve aside. He began to tell them specifically what was going to happen to Him, so they would understand that He went willingly to His passion,