Catholic Homilies By Fr Linus Clovis

The harvest indeed is great! Why did our Lord assemble the seventy two? Who were they?



We know of course that our Blessed Lord chose twelve Apostles. These Apostles, He kept with Him for three years, teaching them and training them to proclaim the message, the Good News of the presence of the Kingdom of God. He sent them out, the twelve, into Galilee as preparation, as training for what would come later, namely that He would send them out to the whole world. But now, in the last year of His life, we’re told by St. Luke, in fact we’re told by St. Matthew and St. Mark, that He appointed seventy two others. He sent them out, ahead of Him, in pairs to all the towns and places He Himself was to visit. This would be not in Galilee, but in Judea. This is because Our Lord was making His way to Jerusalem. The question we should ask ourselves is: What happened to the seventy two? Who are the seventy two? What was there task, there role, there position in regard to the twelve? Well we don’t know the names of all of the seventy two, but we do know the names of some. For instance, Matthias was one of them