Tiny House Podcast

#41 Kai’s Pies, Tiny House Porn, Funding, and Perry’s Cat



Like Madonna, Cher, or Bono (or any other rock star who needs no last name) Kai really NEEDS no introduction. But, since we have to write an intro, write one we shall. Kai Rostcheck is a fun guy to chat with because he knows everyone, and everything, about the tiny house movement. He’s the creative genius behind TinyHouseDating.com and more than a few love struck tiny house enthusiasts have him to thank! He’s also a true tiny-house-data gold mine and knows the tiny house movement inside and out as a result of this tireless efforts spent in creating TinyHouseLending.com. After spending only 45 minutes comparing notes with this marketing genius we were left thinking “Already? That time went by FAST!” and we know you will to. And, yes, Perry’s cat is OK….