Tiny House Podcast

#127 Finding her Niche and Helping Others Find Theirs ~ with Lina Minard



This week, we have another follow-up guest and although she’s a Portland resident, we hardly get to see her. Ironically, Michelle has seen her MORE in other states than our own! But we didn’t let that stop us from practically stalking Lina Minard for another interview. We knew our listeners would want to know….what ever happened to her and her “new” boyfriend? We hear all the time, “I’m thinking of starting a tiny house community, where do I start?” And Lina knows how! What does she think of the advancement, or lack thereof, towards legalizing tiny houses? And “where” is she now? Some days it’s nice to chat with a friend who we haven’t seen in awhile, and today’s conversation feels just like that. No pretense. Just a fun time spent with a nice person, an undying advocate of tiny house people everywhere. You don’t have to live in Oregon to appreciate Laid-Back-Lina and the Niche she’s made for herself in the ever-changing tiny world. www.nicheconsulting.com